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VMware 5V0-93.22 Exam Topics

VMware 5V0-93.22 Exam

VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills

Total Questions: 60

What is Included in the VMware 5V0-93.22 Exam?

Authentic information about the syllabus is essential to go through the VMware 5V0-93.22 exam in the first attempt. Study4Exam provides you with comprehensive information about VMware 5V0-93.22 exam topics listed in the official syllabus. You should get this information at the start of your preparation because it helps you make an effective study plan. We have designed this VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills 2023 certification exam preparation guide to give the exam overview, practice questions, practice test, prerequisites, and information about exam topics that help to go through the VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills exam. We recommend you use our preparation material to cover the entire VMware 5V0-93.22 exam syllabus. Study4Exam offers 3 formats of VMware 5V0-93.22 exam preparation material. Each format provides new practice questions in PDF format, web-based and desktop practice exams to get passing marks in the first attempt.

VMware 5V0-93.22 Exam Overview :

Exam Name VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills
Exam Code 5V0-93.22
Actual Exam Duration 105 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam 60
Exam Registration Price $250
Official Information https://www.vmware.com/learning/certification/cb-endpoint-standard-skills-exam.html
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VMware 5V0-93.22 Exam Topics :

Section Objectives
Section 1 –Architectures and Technologies Objective 1.1 - Identify the architecture and data flows for Carbon Black Cloud endpoint Standard communication.
Objective 1.2 - Identify the functionality of sensor vs. cloud.
Section 2 – VMware Products and Solutions Objective 2.1 - Identify the response capabilities available in the VMware Carbon Black Cloud.
Objective 2.2 - Identify the commands available within the Live Response features in the VMware Carbon Black Cloud.
Objective 2.3 - Identify the purpose of Reputation Priority.
Objective 2.4 - Identify the notification capabilities within the VMware Carbon Black Cloud.
Objective 2.5 - Identify the native integrations available within the VMware Carbon Black Cloud.
Section 3 – Planning and Designing Objective 3.1 - Identify security benefits of using VMware Carbon Black Endpoint Standard.
Objective 3.2 - Identify use cases of VMware Carbon Black Endpoint Standard.
Objective 3.3 - Given organizational requirements, identify how to implement the Carbon Black Cloud Enpoint Standard policies to meet the requirements.
Objective 3.4 - Identify the impact of Reputation Priority on applications.
Section 4 – Installing, Configuring, and Setup Objective 4.1 - Given organizational requirements, identify how to implement the Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard rules to prevent and mitigate attacks.
Objective 4.2 - Given a set of rules, identify intended impacts on the endpoints.
Objective 4.3 - Given a set of rules, identify how to determine unintended impacts on the endpoints.
Objective 4.4 - Given a permission rule allowing execution, identify possible security risks.
Objective 4.5 - Given a blocking rule preventing execution, identify possible security risks.
Objective 4.6 - Given a scenario, identify the proper configuration of the local scanner.
Objective 4.7 - Given security requirements, identify the correct sensor policy configuration.
Section 5 – Performance-tuning, Optimization, Upgrades There are no testable objectives for this section.
Section 6 – Troubleshooting and Repairing There are no testable objectives for this section.
Section 7 – Administrative and Operational Tasks Objective 7.1 - Given a scenario about a suspicious behavior, identify how to perform a search across endpoint data.
Objective 7.2 - Given a scenario, identify how to respond to an alert.
Objective 7.3 - Given a scenario, identify the impact of a generated alert.
Objective 7.4 - Given a scenario, identify types of relevant information in an event.
Objective 7.5 - Given a security incident scenario, identify the first response that should be used within the VMware Carbon Black Cloud.
Objective 7.6 - Given a search, identify correct use of operators.
Objective 7.7 - Identify the functionality of Advanced Queries.
Objective 7.8 - Given a scenario, identify the proper Reputation override option.
Objective 7.9 - Identify where s ensor status and sensor details exist.
Objective 7.10 - Given the scenario including the status of a sensor, identify the correct action for a sensor.

Updates in the VMware 5V0-93.22 Exam Topics:

VMware 5V0-93.22 exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills 2023 5V0-93.22 exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated VMware 5V0-93.22 exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the VMware 5V0-93.22 practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the VMware Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard Skills 5V0-93.22 exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the 5V0-93.22 exam practice test are available for self-assessment.


5V0-93.22 Exam Details

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