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VMware 5V0-35.21 Exam Topics

VMware 5V0-35.21 Exam

VMware vRealize Operations Specialist

Total Questions: 151

What is Included in the VMware 5V0-35.21 Exam?

Authentic information about the syllabus is essential to go through the VMware 5V0-35.21 exam in the first attempt. Study4Exam provides you with comprehensive information about VMware 5V0-35.21 exam topics listed in the official syllabus. You should get this information at the start of your preparation because it helps you make an effective study plan. We have designed this VMware Specialist certification exam preparation guide to give the exam overview, practice questions, practice test, prerequisites, and information about exam topics that help to go through the VMware vRealize Operations Specialist exam. We recommend you use our preparation material to cover the entire VMware 5V0-35.21 exam syllabus. Study4Exam offers 3 formats of VMware 5V0-35.21 exam preparation material. Each format provides new practice questions in PDF format, web-based and desktop practice exams to get passing marks in the first attempt.

VMware 5V0-35.21 Exam Overview :

Exam Name VMware vRealize Operations Specialist
Exam Code 5V0-35.21
Actual Exam Duration 135 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam 76
Exam Registration Price $250
Official Information https://www.vmware.com/learning/certification/vrops-sp-exam.html
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VMware 5V0-35.21 Exam Topics :

Section Objectives
Section 1 – Introduction
  •  There are no testable objectives for this section
Section 2- Introduction to vRealize Operations Objective: 2.1: Identify use cases for vRealize Operations.
Objective: 2.2: Identify the role played by the admin UI in managing a vRealize Operations cluster.
Section 3 - vRealize Operations Architecture Objective: 3.1: Identify the types of nodes and their role in a vRealize Operations cluster.
Objective: 3.2: Identify how high availability is achieved in vRealize Operations.
Objective: 3.3: Identify the use cases for configuring Continuous Availability (CA).
Section 4 - Deploying vRealize Operations Objective: 4.1: Given a scenario, identify the deployment architecture that should be used.
Objective: 4.2: Identify how to use the sizing tool.
Objective: 4.3: Given a scenario including an output of the sizing tool, identify information about the configuration.
Objective: 4.4: Identify the deployment options and requirements for vRealize Operations node.
Objective: 4.5: Given a scenario, identify how to create or expand the cluster.
Objective: 4.6: Identify the types of supported cloud accounts.
Objective: 4.7: Given a scenario, identify the type of Cloud Account and Other Accounts that should be used.
Section 5 - vRealize Operations Concepts Objective: 5.1: Identify the components of the product UI.
Objective: 5.2: Identify the types and uses of object groupings.
Section 6 - vRealize Operations Policies and Certificates Management Objective: 6.1: Given a use case, identify what can be configured in the policy and how the policy can be applied.
Objective: 6.2: Identify the characteristics of policy inheritance.
Section 7 - Capacity Optimization Objective: 7.1: Identify the differences between demand and allocation capacity models.
Objective: 7.2: Given a scenario, identify the options for resource reclamation.
Objective: 7.3: Given a scenario, identify the impact of adding or removing virtual machines or hosts to a datacenter.
Objective: 7.4: Given a scenario, identify the impact of migrating from one datacenter to another.
Objective: 7.5: Given a scenario, identify the cost impact of migrating workloads to a public cloud.
Objective: 7.6: Identify the need for a custom cloud provider when completing What If scenarios.
Objective: 7.7: Identify the types of cost drivers in vRealize Operations.
Objective: 7.8: Identify requirements for completing cost calculations for a datacenter inventory.
Objective: 7.9: Identify the use case for configuration a price card.
Section 8- Performance Optimization Objective: 8.1: Identify the options for performance optimization.
Objective: 8.2: Given a scenario, identify the use case for operational intent.
Objective: 8.3: Given a scenario, identify the use case for business intent.
Objective: 8.4: Identify the configuration options for operational and business intent.
Section 9 - Troubleshooting and Managing Configuration Pillars Objective: 9.1: Identify the characteristics of the troubleshooting workbench.
Objective: 9.2: Given a scenario, identify how to use to the troubleshooting workbench to resolve the alert or issue.
Objective: 9.3: Given a scenario, identify the compliance of the environment to a compliance benchmark.
Objective: 9.4: Identify the various compliance standards supported by vRealize Operations.
Objective: 9.5: Identify how to view or change vSphere object configurations.
Section 10 - Application Monitoring in vRealize Operations Objective: 10.1: Identify the characteristics of service discovery and application monitoring.
Objective: 10.2: Given a scenario, identify the pre-requisites for service discovery.
Objective: 10.3: Given a scenario, identify the pre-requisites for application monitoring.
Objective: 10.4: Identify the process for configuring application monitoring.
Objective: 10.5: Given a scenario, identify the additional monitoring options that are provided using application monitoring.
Section 11 - Custom Alert Definitions Objective: 11.1: Identify the components of an alert definition.
Objective: 11.2: Identify characteristics of a symptom definition.
Objective: 11.3: Given a scenario, identify the type of alert action that is required.
Objective: 11.4: Identify the function of an alert recommendation.
Objective: 11.5: Identify the characteristics of the automation action framework.
Objective: 11.6: Identify the characteristics of an alert notification.
Objective: 11.7: Given a scenario, identify how to create the alert definitions.
Section 12 - Custom Views and Reports Objective: 12.1: Identify the components of custom views.
Objective: 12.2: Identify options for report generation.
Section 13 - Custom Dashboards Objective: 13.1: Identify characteristics of dashboards.
Objective: 13.2: Given a scenario, identify how to troubleshoot issues with a dashboard.
Objective: 13.3: Given a scenario, identify the interactions between views and widgets on a dashboard.
Objective: 13.4: Identify the process to include a metric configuration file for the Scoreboard widget.
Objective: 13.5: Identify how to manage dashboards.
Objective: 13.6: Given a scenario, identify the options for sharing dashboards.
Section 14 - Super Metrics Objective: 14.1: Identify the characteristics of super metrics.
Objective: 14.2: Identify options to apply super metrics.
Section 15 - User Access Control
Objective: 15.1: Given a scenario, identify how to configure role-based access control.
Objective: 15.2: Identify how privilege priorities impact user rights.
Objective: 15.3: Identify how to import users in groups from an LDAP source.
Section 16 - Extending and Managing a vRealize Operations Deployment Objective: 16.1: Identify characteristics of a management pack.
Objective: 16.2: Identify how to monitor the health of a vRealize Operations cluster.
Objective: 16.3: Identify types of support bundles.
Objective: 16.4: Identify how to generate support bundles.
Objective: 16.5: Identify how to view vRealize Operations logs and audit reports in the UI.
Objective: 16.6: Given a scenario, identify how to perform vRealize Operations cluster management tasks.
Section 17 - vRealize Operations Cloud Overview Objective: 17.1: Identify the characteristics of the cloud services console.
Objective: 17.2: Identify the role and use cases of the cloud proxy when used with vRealize Operations Cloud.
Objective: 17.3: Given a scenario, identify the process of onboarding workload in vROPS cloud.
Objective: 17.4: Identify the integration options for the vRealize Cloud solutions.
Objective: 17.5: Given a scenario, identify the differences between vRealize Operations Cloud and vRealize Operations.

Updates in the VMware 5V0-35.21 Exam Topics:

VMware 5V0-35.21 exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual VMware Specialist 5V0-35.21 exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated VMware 5V0-35.21 exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the VMware 5V0-35.21 practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the VMware vRealize Operations Specialist 5V0-35.21 exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the 5V0-35.21 exam practice test are available for self-assessment.


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