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Salesforce Salesforce-Contact-Center Exam

Salesforce Contact Center Accredited Professional

Total Questions: 207

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Salesforce Salesforce-Contact-Center Questions


Which standard field options should a consultant recommended form for In-App Messaging?


A project sponsor has informed a consultant that customer satisfaction is their top..

Which Contact Center metric should the consultant prioritize improving?


To ensure a successful digital transformation with a multi-channel strategy,

engaging the right stakeholders during the discovery phase is crucial.

Here's the breakdown of the options and why the most suitable choice is:

Option 3: VP of Customer Experience; VP of Service; IT Leadership.

Which set of key performance indicators (KPIs) should the consultant ..to measure the success of contact center implementation?


Ursa Major Solar is enhancing its Messaging for Web implementation on the customer site to pass the Customer ID and visited URL as web content to their service apert wen the conversation starts.

How should a consultant implement these requirements?

Create two custom fields then create two custom parameters, clone and the messaging channel. Add the two custom parameters as hidden precatedly Salesforce code embedded on the help site to auto set customer Update Omni-Channel Flow to populate the custom fields.

Create a contact custom field customer ID and case custom felt viste R. At The custom fields to pre-chat form Modify the Sales contended on the he customer ID and visited URL value

Create a contact custom field customer ID and ca custom parameters, Customer_ID and visited URL for the messytee custom parameters as hidden pre-chat belts Mosity the site to auto set customer, ID and visited, URL value to t leveraging extra PrechatFormDetails APL Ursa Major Solar (UMS) provides customer support primarily using the phone channel through Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) in

Salesforce. UMS recently stated .. spikes of service calls coming in that often result in customers waiting for hour on the phone.

Which recommendation should the consultant make to improve this?


While some of your suggestions aim to address Ursa Major Solar's need to

accommodate new agents during peak season, they raise potential concerns and might not be the most optimal approach. Here's a breakdown:

Ursa Major Solar (UMS) is implementing Email-to-Case in its ...

Salesforce notaro which it has used in the past 2 years as its Case

Management system, to place is the party Email Channel provider. UMS is

excited to learn about the artificial in capability in Einstein Case

Classification and would like to prioritize the capturing the build as must-have

After verifying the license, how should a consultant include the Einstein

Case Classification capability in the same project?

Add two requirements to the backlog in the current release date

EmailMessage object to meet data requirements for Einstein formal Car

Cassium be up Einstein Case Classification.

Add the requirement to a future release since Einstein rends at least 400

the past 6 months to build the model in Email Channel

Add the requirement in the current release as the customer are case

records and because of the reed to prontice the manner Classification

The most appropriate approach for incorporating Einstein Case

Classification into the same project is to:

A) A Add two requirements to the backlog in the current release:

B) Ursa Major Solar has recently seen a big increase in case volume due to

the launch of new product.

What should the company do to deflect cases?

Implement an internal knowledge base.

Implement a customer-facing knowledge base Implement a new channel in

SMS. Choose

While both implementing an internal knowledge base and implementing a

customer-facing knowledge base can help deflect cases, the most

impactful choice for Ursa Major Solar is:

Implementing a customer-facing knowledge base.

Ursa Major Solar decided to roll out Einstein Bots in all of the enhanced

digital snipe channels for its retail customers, including Facebook

Messenger, WhatsApp and Message for In-app and Web. The Salesforce

administrators are not sure how many boss they sa and why.

Which recommendation should a consultant make to the Salesforce ..

Question: 1 Answer: B
Question: 2 Answer: C
Question: 3 Answer: C
Question: 4 Answer: B
Question: 5 Answer: A

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