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Free FBAP_002 Exam Questions - Pure Storage FBAP_002 Exam

Pure Storage FBAP_002 Exam

Pure Storage Certified Architect Professional - FlashBlade

Total Questions: 75

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Pure Storage FBAP_002 Questions


A retail customer is designing a new application that will train an AI algorithm with metadata from purchase transactions.

The customer has the following constraints:

- Billions of transactions per hour

- Hundreds of thousands of clients

- Easily connect and disconnect from many network locations

- Asymmetric encryption across a WAN

- Resilience to network latency

Which protocol should the architect recommend?


A customer wants to use and orchestration tool to manage the FlashBlade.

How should the customer create the API key?


A customer map application is built with a containerized micro-service infrastructure that runs on Windows and accesses storage using SMB.

Each container is stateless, but every end user interaction leaves a set of small text and image files. Each directory keeps all daily transaction files. A process exists to manage file life cycle and periodically delete a directory.

The customer notices that as the customer base grows, the background deletion process backlog also grows. Which FlashBlade technology should be used to resolve this issue?


A developer of a business-critical application is concerned about system reliability when it comes to a IO resistance. An architect needs to explain the FlashBlade write mechanism and address three main concerns:

- Data location when FlashBlade acknowledge a write

- Number of created data copies before FlashBlade acknowledges a write

- Blade failure resilience

When does write acknowledgement happen?


An HPC environment has the following:

- 100 physical hosts, each with a single 10GbE NIC, and a single NFS mount point to the FlashBlade.

- A 7x52TB FlashBlade, connected to the Top-of-Rack switches via eight 40GbE connections.

What is the maximum aggregate write throughput the customer should expect from the FlashBlade?

Question: 1 Answer: B
Question: 2 Answer: C
Question: 3 Answer: C
Question: 4 Answer: A
Question: 5 Answer: D

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