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Free 8009 Exam Questions - PRMIA 8009 Exam

PRMIA 8009 Exam

Case Studies; Standards: Governance, Best Practices and Ethics ? 2015 Edition

Total Questions: 110

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PRMIA 8009 Questions


For the sentence

"The organization shall encourage all employees to keep abreast of the latest developments in their particular areas of expertise, through ____________, _____________, and _____________ and shall make adequate resources available to enable this to occur,"

Choose the correct combinations of words from the following options:


For the sentence

"The organization should have at its disposal employees who have adequate _________, ________ and _______ to perform the tasks assigned to them",

Choose the correct combination of words from the following options:


PRMIA Governance Principles


According to PRMIA governance principles, boards and audit committees should ...


The Financial Accounting and Reporting Infrastructure of any organization must:

I, Accurately represent the corporation's current and known financial condition in a timely manner

II. Only use off-balance sheet transactions which have a legitimate economic, tax, risk transfer or risk mitigating purpose

III. Provide a detailed description of the Risk Management Infrastructure in the organization's Annual Report to Shareholders

IV. Provide an auditable Annual Statement of Compliance with the Board's publicly stated Standards of Corporate Governance to the Board and Audit Committee

Question: 1 Answer: A
Question: 2 Answer: A
Question: 3 Answer: B
Question: 4 Answer: A
Question: 5 Answer: D

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