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Free PEGACPDC88V1 Exam Questions - Pegasystems PEGACPDC88V1 Exam

Pegasystems PEGACPDC88V1 Exam

Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant 8.8

Total Questions: 60

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Pegasystems PEGACPDC88V1 Questions


A decisioning architect wants to use the customer properties income and age in a Filter component. Which decision component is required to enable access to these properties?


U+ Bank wants to offer credit cards only to customers with a low-risk profile. The customers are divided into various risk segments from AAA to CCC. The risk segmentation rules that the business provides use the Age and the customer Credit Score based on the following table. The bank uses a scorecard model to determine the customer Credit Score.


As a decisioning architect, how do you implement the business requirement?


The following decision strategy outputs the most profitable shoe a retailer can sell. The profit is the selling Prices of the shoe, minus the Cost to acquire the shoe.

The details of the shoes are provided in the following table:


The details of the shoes are provided in the following table:


To output the most profitable shoe, which component do you add in the blank space that is highlighted in red?


To access a property from an unconnected component, you use the


U+ Bank has recently implemented Pega Customer Decision Hub. As a first step, the bank went live with the contact center to improve customer engagement. Now, U+ Bank wants to extend its customer engagement through the web channel. As a decisioning architect, you have created the new set of actions, the corresponding treatments, and defined a new trigger in the Next-Best-Action Designer for the new web channel.

What else do you configure for the new treatments to be present in the next-best-action recommendations?

Question: 1 Answer: D
Question: 2 Answer: D
Question: 3 Answer: D
Question: 4 Answer: C
Question: 5 Answer: D

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