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Free IOS-158 Exam Questions - Infor IOS-158 Exam

Infor IOS-158 Exam

Infor Certified OS Associate

Total Questions: 41

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Infor IOS-158 Questions


You are using ION Messaging Service (IMS) in an Infor OS multi-tenant environment. In this instance, the connection points are provisioned by Infor Cloud Operations and require which one of the following to be installed?


Which one of the following is an Infor data management platform to store and retrieve objects in a cloud repository?


Each document flow starts and ends with one or more of which one of the following, enabling ION to retrieve and send documents?


A company has multiple departments in different countries. They would like to build a single page to support all employees, but would like the page format and content to display differently depending on the country an employee resides in. Which one of the following allows for this?


Stored Procedure and AnySQL Modeler are which one of the following technology connector types?

Question: 1 Answer: D
Question: 2 Answer: B
Question: 3 Answer: C
Question: 4 Answer: B
Question: 5 Answer: C

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