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IBM C2090-318 Exam Topics

IBM C2090-318 Exam

DB2 12 System Administrator for z/OS

Total Questions: 60

What is Included in the IBM C2090-318 Exam?

Authentic information about the syllabus is essential to go through the IBM C2090-318 exam in the first attempt. Study4Exam provides you with comprehensive information about IBM C2090-318 exam topics listed in the official syllabus. You should get this information at the start of your preparation because it helps you make an effective study plan. We have designed this IBM Certified System Administrator certification exam preparation guide to give the exam overview, practice questions, practice test, prerequisites, and information about exam topics that help to go through the IBM DB2 12 System Administrator for z/OS exam. We recommend you use our preparation material to cover the entire IBM C2090-318 exam syllabus. Study4Exam offers 3 formats of IBM C2090-318 exam preparation material. Each format provides new practice questions in PDF format, web-based and desktop practice exams to get passing marks in the first attempt.

IBM C2090-318 Exam Overview :

Exam Name DB2 12 System Administrator for z/OS
Exam Code C2090-318
Actual Exam Duration 90 minutes
Expected no. of Questions in Actual Exam 60
Official Information https://www.ibm.com/certify/exam.html?id=C2090-318
See Expected Questions IBM C2090-318 Expected Questions in Actual Exam
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IBM C2090-318 Exam Topics :

Section Weight Objectives
Section 1 - Installation and Migration 21%
  • Given a scenario, describe the installation/migration plan
  • Identify additional environments necessary
  • Given a scenario, describe how to execute the installation/migration/continuous maintenance delivery plan
  • Evaluate appropriate subsystem parameter settings
Section 2 - Security and Auditing 10%
  • Describe use cases for program authorization, row and column access control
  • Describe the concept of ownership in DB2 and how ownership can be transferred
  • Describe how to protect the DB2 subsystem using appropriate system authorities and external security means
  • Describe auditing techniques
  • Describe role-based security and the advantage of deploying it
Section 3 - System Operation and Maintenance 20%
  • Describe how to manage DB2 components and processes
  • Demonstrate ability to execute DB2 commands
  • Given a scenario, describe how to monitor and control DB2 threads
  • Perform DB2 data sharing system operation and maintenance
  • Describe distributed functionality
Section 4 - Backup and Recovery 17%
  • Perform advanced backup and recovery
  • Given a scenario, describe how to recover from system failures
  • Describe the fundamental considerations of disaster recovery
  • Describe DB2 data sharing recovery scenarios
Section 5 - Performance and Tuning 20%
  • Given a scenario, analyze performance
  • Describe how buffer pools and system parameters can affect performance/concurrency
  • Describe persistent threads
  • Demonstrate the ability to use statistics, tools, and traces for monitoring
  • Given a scenario, describe techniques to achieve efficient use of memory and Statement Cache
  • Describe workload manager settings for DB2
  • Describe Reorg in the context of system tuning and performance
  • Describe specialty engines and how they affect performance
Section 6 - Troubleshooting 12%
  • Given a scenario, describe which documentation can be used to solve a problem
  • Describe DB2 commands and traces for troubleshooting
  • Identify the distributed thread that is causing a problem
  • Describe usage scenarios for diagnostic utilities
  • Given a scenario, identify and resolve DB2 data sharing problems

Updates in the IBM C2090-318 Exam Topics:

IBM C2090-318 exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual IBM Certified System Administrator C2090-318 exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated IBM C2090-318 exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the IBM C2090-318 practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the DB2 12 System Administrator for z/OS C2090-318 exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the C2090-318 exam practice test are available for self-assessment.


C2090-318 Exam Details

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