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Free GSLC Exam Questions - GIAC GSLC Exam


GIAC Security Leadership

Total Questions: 525

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GIAC GSLC Questions


You have inserted a Trojan on your friend's computer and you want to put it in the startup so that whenever the computer reboots the Trojan will start to run on the startup. Which of the following registry entries will you edit to accomplish the task?


John works as a professional Ethical Hacker. He has been assigned a project to test the security of www.we-are-secure.com. He successfully performs a brute force attack on the We-are-secure server.

Now, he suggests some countermeasures to avoid such brute force attacks on the We-are-secure server. Which of the following are countermeasures against a brute force attack?

Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.


Which of the following statements about Digest authentication are true?

Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.


Which of the following is the method of hiding data within another media type such as graphic or document?


Which of the following roles is used to ensure that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the services are maintained to the levels approved on the Service Level Agreement (SLA)?

Question: 1 Answer: A
Question: 2 Answer: B, D
Question: 3 Answer: A, B
Question: 4 Answer: C
Question: 5 Answer: B

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