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Free 212-82 Exam Questions - Eccouncil 212-82 Exam

Eccouncil 212-82 Exam

Certified Cybersecurity Technician (CCT)

Total Questions: 102

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Eccouncil 212-82 Questions


Kevin, a professional hacker, wants to penetrate CyberTech Inc.'s network. He employed a technique, using which he encoded packets with Unicode characters. The company's IDS cannot recognize the packet, but the target web server can decode them.

What is the technique used by Kevin to evade the IDS system?


Henry Is a cyber security specialist hired by BlackEye - Cyber security solutions. He was tasked with discovering the operating system (OS) of a host. He used the Unkornscan tool to discover the OS of the target system. As a result, he obtained a TTL value, which Indicates that the target system is running a Windows OS. Identify the TTL value Henry obtained, which indicates that the target OS is Windows.


Bob was recently hired by a medical company after it experienced a major cyber security breach. Many patients are complaining that their personal medical records are fully exposed on the Internet and someone can find them with a simple Google search. Bob's boss is very worried because of regulations that protect those dat

a. Which of the following regulations is mostly violated?


You are a penetration tester working to test the user awareness of the employees of the client xyz. You harvested two employees' emails from some public sources and are creating a client-side backdoor to send it to the employees via email. Which stage of the cyber kill chain are you at?


Johnson, an attacker, performed online research for the contact details of reputed cybersecurity firms. He found the contact number of sibertech.org and dialed the number, claiming himself to represent a technical support team from a vendor. He warned that a specific server is about to be compromised and requested sibertech.org to follow the provided instructions. Consequently, he prompted the victim to execute unusual commands and install malicious files, which were then used to collect and pass critical Information to Johnson's machine. What is the social engineering technique Steve employed in the above scenario?

Question: 1 Answer: B
Question: 2 Answer: B
Question: 3 Answer: A
Question: 4 Answer: C
Question: 5 Answer: A

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Daxton 6 days ago
These practice questions are fantastic. I only used them for half a month, and I ended up passing the certification exam with a high score. The answers are accurate, so no worries just practice the questions.
upvoted 1 times