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Free 112-51 NDE Exam Questions - Eccouncil 112-51 Exam

Eccouncil 112-51 Exam

Network Defense Essentials Exam

Total Questions: 75

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Eccouncil 112-51 NDE Questions


Which of the following techniques is referred to as a messaging feature that originates from a server and enables the delivery of data or a message from an application to a mobile device without any explicit request from the user?


Clark, a security professional, was instructed to monitor and continue the backup functions without

interrupting the system or application services. In this process, Clark implemented a backup mechanism that dynamically backups the data even if the system or application resources are being used.

Which of the following types of backup mechanisms has Clark implemented in the above scenario?


Bob has secretly installed smart CCTV devices (loT devices) outside his home and wants to access the recorded data from a remote location. These smart CCTV devices send sensed data to an intermediate device that carries out pre-processing of data online before transmitting it to the cloud for storage and analysis. The analyzed data is then sent to Bob for initiating actions.

Identify the component of loT architecture that collects data from loT devices and performs data pre-processing.


Clark, a security team member of an organization, was instructed to secure the premises from unauthorized entries. In this process, Clark implemented security controls that allow employees to enter the office only after scanning their badges or fingerprints.

Which of the following security controls has Clark implemented in the above scenario?


Fernandez, a computer user, initiated an action to access a file located on a remote server. In this process, his account went through certain security constraints to check for any restrictions on his account with regard to access to the file.

Which of the following terms is referred to as a file in the above scenario?

Question: 1 Answer: A
Question: 2 Answer: D
Question: 3 Answer: B
Question: 4 Answer: C
Question: 5 Answer: D

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