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Free Databricks-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate Exam Questions - Databricks Databricks-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate Exam

Databricks Databricks-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate Exam

Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate Exam

Total Questions: 100

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Databricks Databricks-Certified-Data-Engineer-Associate Questions


A data engineer wants to schedule their Databricks SQL dashboard to refresh once per day, but they only want the associated SQL endpoint to be running when it is necessary.

Which of the following approaches can the data engineer use to minimize the total running time of the SQL endpoint used in the refresh schedule of their dashboard?


A data analysis team has noticed that their Databricks SQL queries are running too slowly when connected to their always-on SQL endpoint. They claim that this issue is present when many members of the team are running small queries simultaneously. They ask the data engineering team for help. The data engineering team notices that each of the team's queries uses the same SQL endpoint.

Which of the following approaches can the data engineering team use to improve the latency of the team's queries?


An engineering manager wants to monitor the performance of a recent project using a Databricks SQL query. For the first week following the project's release, the manager wants the query results to be updated every minute. However, the manager is concerned that the compute resources used for the query will be left running and cost the organization a lot of money beyond the first week of the project's release.

Which of the following approaches can the engineering team use to ensure the query does not cost the organization any money beyond the first week of the project's release?


A data engineer has a single-task Job that runs each morning before they begin working. After identifying an upstream data issue, they need to set up another task to run a new notebook prior to the original task.

Which of the following approaches can the data engineer use to set up the new task?


A data engineer has three tables in a Delta Live Tables (DLT) pipeline. They have configured the pipeline to drop invalid records at each table. They notice that some data is being dropped due to quality concerns at some point in the DLT pipeline. They would like to determine at which table in their pipeline the data is being dropped.

Which of the following approaches can the data engineer take to identify the table that is dropping the records?

Question: 1 Answer: C
Question: 2 Answer: B
Question: 3 Answer: E
Question: 4 Answer: E
Question: 5 Answer: E

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