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Free AIP-210 CAIP Exam Questions - CertNexus AIP-210 Exam

CertNexus AIP-210 Exam

Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner Exam

Total Questions: 90

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CertNexus AIP-210 CAIP Questions


Which of the following is a type 1 error in statistical hypothesis testing?


A market research team has ratings from patients who have a chronic disease, on several functional, physical, emotional, and professional needs that stay unmet with the current therapy. The dataset also captures ratings on how the disease affects their day-to-day activities.

A pharmaceutical company is introducing a new therapy to cure the disease and would like to design their marketing campaign such that different groups of patients are targeted with different ads. These groups should ideally consist of patients with similar unmet needs.

Which of the following algorithms should the market research team use to obtain these groups of patients?


Which of the following occurs when a data segment is collected in such a way that some members of the intended statistical population are less likely to be included than others?


Your dependent variable data is a proportion. The observed range of your data is 0.01 to 0.99. The instrument used to generate the dependent variable data is known to generate low quality data for values close to 0 and close to 1. A colleague suggests performing a logit-transformation on the data prior to performing a linear regression. Which of the following is a concern with this approach?

Definition of logit-transformation

If p is the proportion: logit(p)=log(p/(l-p))


Which of the following best describes distributed artificial intelligence?

Question: 1 Answer: D
Question: 2 Answer: A
Question: 3 Answer: B
Question: 4 Answer: B
Question: 5 Answer: C

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