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BCS PDP9 Exam Topics


BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection

Total Questions: 40

What is Included in the BCS PDP9 Exam?

Authentic information about the syllabus is essential to go through the BCS PDP9 exam in the first attempt. Study4Exam provides you with comprehensive information about BCS PDP9 exam topics listed in the official syllabus. You should get this information at the start of your preparation because it helps you make an effective study plan. We have designed this BCS Information security and data protection certifications certification exam preparation guide to give the exam overview, practice questions, practice test, prerequisites, and information about exam topics that help to go through the BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection exam. We recommend you use our preparation material to cover the entire BCS PDP9 exam syllabus. Study4Exam offers 3 formats of BCS PDP9 exam preparation material. Each format provides new practice questions in PDF format, web-based and desktop practice exams to get passing marks in the first attempt.

BCS PDP9 Exam Overview :

Exam Name BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection
Exam Code PDP9
Official Information https://www.bcs.org/qualifications-and-certifications/certifications-for-professionals/information-security-and-data-protection-certifications/bcs-practitioner-certificate-in-data-protection/
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BCS PDP9 Exam Topics :

Section Weight Objectives
1. CONTEXT OF DATA PROTECTION LEGISLATION. 7.5% 1.1 Explain the concepts of data protection and privacy.
1.2 Describe the history of data protection in the UK.
1.3 Describe the territorial scope and jurisdiction of GDPR.
1.4 When a representative of the controller is needed.
2. PRINCIPLES OF DATA PROTECTION AND APPLICABLE TERMINOLOGY. 5% 2.1 Define the following key items of terminology.
2.2 Demonstrate how the following UK GDPR principles regulate the processing of personal data.
3. AWFUL BASES FOR PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA. 5% 3.1 Illustrate the lawful bases to process personal data listed under (Article 6) of the UK GDPR and as displayed below.
3.2 Describe the conditions permitted for processing special category data listed under Article 9 of UK GDPR.
3.3 Explain the rules for processing criminal offence data.
5. BLIGATIONS OF CONTROLLERS, JOINT CONTROLLERS AND DATA PROCESSORS. 10% 5.1 Explain controller and processor obligations
5.2 Describe the concept of joint controllers
5.3 Describe the act of processing under the authority of a controller or processor
5.4 Explain what a Data Processing Agreement is and when it would be necessary in a controller-processor arrangement.

6. NTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFERS UNDER EU AND UK GDPR. 2.5% 6.1 Recognise the general principles for transferring personal data to third countries from both the UK and the EU and illustrate what issues might arise from each of the following mechanisms.
7. DATA SUBJECT RIGHTS. 5% 7.1 Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the key rights granted to individuals
7.2 Express awareness of the following rights in addition to the above.
7.3 Describe the restrictions and exemptions that may affect data subject rights.
7.4 Explain the fundamental rights of information requests.
8. THE ROLE OF INDEPENDENT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES (ISAS) AND THE ICO. 7.5% 8.1 Explain the role and importance of supervisory authorities.
8.2 Explain the role of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
9. BREACHES, ENFORCEMENT AND LIABILITY 12.5% 9.1 Explain what constitutes a personal data breach and the information required for reporting.
9.2 Explain when the obligations arise to report breaches of personal data.
9.3 Explain how a data protection complaint should be handled.
9.4 Describe the sanctions that could be imposed as a result of a personal data breach or data protection complaint.
9.5 Describe the following liabilities:
9.6 Identify the role of tribunal and judicial courts.
10. ROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA IN RELATION TO CHILDREN. 2.5% 10.1 Explain how data protection legislation applies to children.
11. PECIFIC PROVISIONS IN DATA PROTECTION LEGISLATION OF PARTICULAR RELEVANCE TO PUBLIC AUTHORITIES. 7.5% 11.1 Define the meanings of public authority and public body and how it relates to both Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK GDPR.
11.2 Explain the provisions relating to Data Protection Officers (DPOs) for public authorities.
11.3 Explain awareness of the existence of the exemptions for health, social work and education.
13. PPLICATION OF DATA PROTECTION LEGISLATION IN KEY AREAS OF INDUSTRY. 10% 13.1 Recognise the data protection implications of the Employment Practices Code.
13.2 Describe how the use of video surveillance and CCTV (Data Protection Code of Practice for surveillance cameras and personal information) is governed by data protection law.
13.3 Identify how the use of cookies and digital technologies is governed by data protection law.
13.4 Explain how data sharing practices are governed by data protection law (ICO Data Sharing Code of Practice).
14. I AND THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA. 5% 14.1 Analyse the benefits versus the risks of AI for individuals and organisations.
14.2 Analyse the impact of AI on the principles and concepts of data protection.
14.3 Explain the process of completing a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) where AI is used.

Updates in the BCS PDP9 Exam Topics:

BCS PDP9 exam questions and practice test are the best ways to get fully prepared. Study4exam's trusted preparation material consists of both practice questions and practice test. To pass the actual Information security and data protection certifications PDP9 exam on the first attempt, you need to put in hard work on these questions as they cover all updated BCS PDP9 exam topics included in the official syllabus. Besides studying actual questions, you should take the BCS PDP9 practice test for self-assessment and actual exam simulation. Revise actual exam questions and remove your mistakes with the BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection PDP9 exam practice test. Online and Windows-based formats of the PDP9 exam practice test are available for self-assessment.


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