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Free AD0-E559 Exam Questions - Adobe AD0-E559 Exam

Adobe AD0-E559 Exam

Adobe Marketo Engage Business Practitioner Expert

Total Questions: 50

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Adobe AD0-E559 Questions


An Adobe Marketo Engage user sees a new person created followed immediately by an unsubscribe activity.


What is a reason for this data value change?


A marketer would like lo set an interesting moment once per day if a person has visited any web page that day, and they would like for the interesting moment to show which page each person has visited. They have set their Smart Campaign up as follows:


Their interesting moments however did not show the web page each person had visited. Why not?


An Adobe Marketo Engage administrator is building a revenue model:


When validating the model, they received an error message.

What does the administrator need to do to correct the model validation error?


David has inherited a new Adobe Marketo Engage instance. He is doing some investigation and reporting to understand where all the new leads are coming from. He only wants a high-level view of the lead sources -- not a detailed view. He does not want to make any assumptions about the integrity of pre-existing smart campaign logic, etc. He would prefer to use system-managed fields since these are set in a robotic fashion and have no reliance on users.

What two fields would David use for this purpose? (Choose two.)


The duration of a wait step in an existing active smart campaign was modified from 2 days to 5 days.

If there were 10 people in the Wait step when the step was changed, what would happen?

Question: 1 Answer: A
Question: 2 Answer: A
Question: 3 Answer: C
Question: 4 Answer: B, D
Question: 5 Answer: C

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