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Free AACE-PSP Exam Questions - AACE International AACE-PSP Exam

AACE International AACE-PSP Exam

Planning & Scheduling Professional (PSP) Exam

Total Questions: 120

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AACE International AACE-PSP Questions


Assuming that you had only one crane capable of 30 lifts per day, 3 column pours requiring 28 lifts each, plus associated assorted work requiring an additional 150 lifts, what is the minimum planned working duration for this work?



Assuming a total of 30 lifts per crane per day, what is the maximum number of lifts that could be accomplished using 3 small tower cranes over a 5-day period?



There is only enough room for a maximum of 4 cranes to be placed on-site. Assuming that a single crane can perform 35 lifts per day and that a column pour requires 60 lifts, what is the minimum number of tower cranes that should be used for the above described column pours?



Each column must be poured in one day. Each column requires 2,000 cubic feet of concrete. The lift bucket has a capacity of 40 cubic feet. How many lifts will be required per column pour?



Crane operators require 1 hour prep and 1 hour clean-up and inspection per day. There is only 1 crane operator allocated per crane. Crane operators are not allowed to work more than 8 hours a day. Lunchtime break lasts 1 hour. Assuming a 10 minute cycle time, how many lifts per day can be expected?


Question: 1 Answer: A
Question: 2 Answer: A
Question: 3 Answer: A
Question: 4 Answer: B
Question: 5 Answer: A

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